
wild peach Learn more about wild peach

  • When will the wild mountain peach ripen

    When will the wild mountain peach ripen

    Wild peach, also known as peach, is a common wild fruit tree at the bottom of hillsides and valleys. It will grow all kinds of small peaches at a certain time. When will wild peaches mature? When will the wild mountain peach mature? Wild mountain peach usually ripens from July to August. Mature

    2020-11-08 Wild mountain peach when mature wild mountain peach and famous flower peach
  • When will the wild peach ripen

    When will the wild peach ripen

    Wild peach is a common kind of peach in barren mountains, seedlings are widely used as green trees, if planted when, at a certain time, grow red peaches, when will wild peaches mature? When will the wild peach ripen? Wild peaches are usually found in

    2020-11-08 Wild peach when ripe wild peach yes wasteland mountain common
  • This wild fruit looks like bayberry. The ancients called it kidney fruit, but it rotted on the tree and no one dared to eat it.

    This wild fruit looks like bayberry. The ancients called it kidney fruit, but it rotted on the tree and no one dared to eat it.

    Warm tips: Hemu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if medicinal, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor to avoid problems! Children who grow up in rural areas have eaten some wild fruits more or less.

  • Mountain peach

    Mountain peach

    Mountain peach is a common deciduous tree in the north. The dark purple smooth and shiny bark is very popular, and mountain peaches are planted in many parks and street green spaces in Beijing. Honeysuckle blossoms around March 10 every year. Mountain peach, also known as mountain peach kernel, is a perennial deciduous tree of Rosaceae, with a height of 1.5-2.5 meters and a full growth period of 25-30 years. It can grow in most parts of the country. Mountain peach originally wild in the major mountain areas and semi-mountainous areas, strong adaptability to the natural environment, the general soil can grow. No requirements for soil.

  • What kind of fruit can Anhui grow?

    What kind of fruit can Anhui grow?

    Anhui Province is an important part of Yangtze River Delta, located in the strategic hub of national economic development and the docking zone of several major economic plates in China, with a total area of 140,100 square kilometers. So, what kind of fruit can Anhui grow? What kind of fruit can Anhui grow?

    2020-11-08 Anhui can grow what fruit Anhui Province is Yangtze River Delta
  • The "past life" of common fruits and vegetables


    Think about it when you feast on a piece of watermelon or corn. These fruits and vegetables that we are used to are not necessarily before.

  • When will Nyingchi peach blossom blossom

    When will Nyingchi peach blossom blossom

    Nyingchi peach blossoms usually bloom from mid-March to late April. Nyingchi also holds a peach blossom festival. Nyingchi peach blossoms are peach blossoms on the plateau, peach blossoms are in full bloom at the foot of the mountains in many places, and the mountains are snowy peaks with unique flavor. Nyingchi Peach Blossom Festival every year at that time, Xizang is still in winter.

    2020-11-09 Linzhi peach blossom when open generally is in
  • Peach and plum red on the tree, underground firewood chicken has a new way to get rich.

    Peach and plum red on the tree, underground firewood chicken has a new way to get rich.

    Peach and plum red on the tree, underground firewood chicken has a new way to get rich.

  • What is the planting prospect of how many jin per mu of Myrtle?

    What is the planting prospect of how many jin per mu of Myrtle?

    Myrtle is a kind of wild fruit grown in the south, and it is also of great nutritional and medicinal value, so how many jin per mu does Myrtle produce? What are the planting prospects? How many jin of myrtle per mu: Myrtle is a kind of wild fruit in the south. A tree has about 5 jin of fruit, and a mu of myrtle can produce 400 jin of fruit.

  • Health food five-finger hairy peach

    Health food five-finger hairy peach

    Five-finger peach, commonly known as wild loquat, Tubeiqi, five-claw dragon and so on, is a small shrub or small tree plant. It is 8 meters high, with milk, fragrant root bark, hard hairs on stems, leaves and fruits, and leaves cracking like palms. Most of them are born in hillside open land, valley, water side or bushes, and the main use part is the root. It is a kind of plant with good medicinal value. It has a pungent, sweet and flat taste, which is beneficial to replenishing deficiency of qi, relieving depression, strengthening muscles and activating collaterals, invigorating spleen and resolving dampness, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. At present, it has been developed for health food therapy, and it has been made.

  • Dare to say that his peaches are the second best in the country. 35 yuan per jin, "Peach King" 88.

    Dare to say that his peaches are the second best in the country. 35 yuan per jin,

    Dare to say that his peaches are the second best in the country. 35 yuan per jin, "Peach King" 88.

  • Cultivation techniques of Peach Bonsai

    Cultivation techniques of Peach Bonsai

    Cultivation techniques of Peach Bonsai

  • The latest seed price and planting method of mountain peach

    The latest seed price and planting method of mountain peach

    Mountain peach, also known as mountain peach, hairy peach, peach, etc., is a small deciduous tree of Rosaceae, often growing in hillsides, valleys, gullies or wild forests and shrubs. It is mainly used as rootstocks for peach, plum, plum and other fruit trees, and can also be used for viewing. Wood can be used for all kinds of fine work and hands.

    2020-11-10 The latest mountain peach seed price and planting method
  • The difference between the grafting of Prunus mandshurica and Peach

    The difference between the grafting of Prunus mandshurica and Peach

    The elm leaf plum is very beautiful, and many people think it is a green peach. How is the elm leaf plum grafted? The difference between Bitao and Bitao? How to graft the elm leaf plum: the method and time of the grafting of the elm leaf plum, the grafting methods of the elm leaf plum have two kinds of bud grafting and branch grafting, generally choose bud grafting more. Budding should be carried out in the middle to late August.

  • Management measures of Taoyuan in early spring

    Management measures of Taoyuan in early spring

    The management of peach orchard in early spring should focus on ditch management, fertilizing, filling gaps, application of remover and other work, which is conducive to the formation of strong buds and lay the foundation for high yield and high quality of peaches in that year. The main results are as follows: 1. Qinggou Shuangshui has low-lying terrain, heavy soil viscosity and waterlogging damage are the main factors restricting the high yield and quality of peach trees, especially since the second half of last year, Rain Water is less, and there is likely to be more Rain Water this year. If the drainage of the Taoyuan ditch system is not good, it will seriously damage the roots and weaken the tree potential. Therefore, the dragons and peripheral ditches of Taoyuan should be thoroughly cleaned up by labor.

  • What kind of lotus varieties do you have? How about lotus variety summer love and spring peach? is the quality good?

    What kind of lotus varieties do you have? How about lotus variety summer love and spring peach? is the quality good?

    The planting techniques and producing areas of lotus trees in Taiwan are mainly in Pingtung and Kaohsiung, Pingtung are Liao, Yanpu, Neipu, Jiadong and so on. Kaohsiung is dominated by six turtles, followed by road bamboo. In recent years, Nantou Xinyi and Changhua Tianzhong have also become new in autumn lotus fog and missile lotus fog.

    2019-06-25 Lotus varieties those summer love and Quan
  • The next cancer star, Yuetao! Non-toxic but can inhibit cancer cells, antidepressant analgesia, antibacterial sweat absorption can also whitening!

    The next cancer star, Yuetao! Non-toxic but can inhibit cancer cells, antidepressant analgesia, antibacterial sweat absorption can also whitening!

    The next cancer star, Yuetao! Non-toxic but can inhibit cancer cells, antidepressant analgesia, antibacterial sweat absorption can also whitening!

  • Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What is the effect?

    Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What is the effect?

    Zaojiao rice, commonly known as snow lotus seed, Zaojiao rice, Zaojiao kernel, Zaojiao essence, is the fruit of Gleditsia. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from September to October. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe in autumn, and the seeds are stripped and dried in the sun. Can I eat soaphorn rice and peach gum every day? How much is the price per jin? What do you have?

    2020-11-09 Zaojiao rice and peach gum yes every day eat price how much
  • Hsinchu city government and peach farm change join hands with farmers to guard the health of rice.

    Hsinchu city government and peach farm change join hands with farmers to guard the health of rice.

    Hsinchu City-in order to prevent rice blight and insect pests, in 109, the Peach District Agricultural improvement Farm of the Committee of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan was continuously entrusted to promote the rice blight and insect pest surveillance and investigation plan, and three rice cultivation areas in Zhongbioli, Nanaoli and Gangnanli of Hsinchu City were selected.

  • The latest peach bonsai cultivation techniques tutorial

    The latest peach bonsai cultivation techniques tutorial

    Peach tree is a deciduous tree belonging to peach genus of Rosaceae. It originated from China and is widely cultivated in all provinces and regions of China. Potted peach tree is a combination of fruit tree gardening and bonsai art. Besides having the functions of refreshing eyes, beautifying homes and providing delicious fresh fruits, it is also a road to prosperity.

    2020-11-10 latest peach tree bonsai cultivation techniques methods tutorials for